Thursday, February 28, 2008

PE started off for he day . Have fun but HELL was about to come after PE had ended.
Went back to class ,gary say he lost his hp and money (thought he is joking ), agter that javen also he lost his hp money. Than i check my bag , Hp still there but money gone.
Zhe hao ,jasper lost money too, wan ting never lost money or hp but she lost her ear phone i think .
Went down to make report, Mr fong tell us look for mr kho .While waiting for Mr kho , saw mr lee ask him got see mr kho a not and he say he in canteen .We went to find cant find him ,but a while later saw mr kho walking from the classroom block towards us.If i am not wrong i think he shouted at us maybe cause he thought we skip classes.We explain to him ..... after that i told him my cash the serial number(99999)nice number ei , than he wan us go back to class wait for him,while he get Mr lee with him.He say he will do it later but later is recess so he 10.00am than went up to search them .
A while later,he came back with our money.But is only part of it.

Recess-those people who steal got their parent called in and they gave lame excuse and mr Kho din make a report cause he accept their excuse.
get back the money during recess but we oni get part of it , mr kho fork out his own money bout $20.Is he trying to buy us ? .I still lost bout $50 but nvm i haf alreay found 2/3 of it so mr kho wan a case close.He din want to make a police report cause will spoilt school reputation.
they dont want to write report and other stuff.

Bottomline the teacher in Hs are useless.

Even if ur a someone with no brain u will not accept these excuses.

Some of the accepted excuse

1.Someone put the money in his bag , and he dont knw about it.
2.They say they found the money in the toilet so they decided to keep it.
3.One of the parent saymy son dont dare to lie infront of me.

Will ur believe in such excuse? No rit!

Handphone were not found ,javen want to make a police report but his parent like dont want .

After school .Went for SS course than go home.Din tell my parent about it ,i dont wan them to come to school and quarrel with the school.Since i only lost $50 ther no nid to tell them.

I am just wandering why din they steal my hp ,instead they steal some lousy hp that gary use that dont even worth $100.

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